I was pretty jazzed to get these Carl Yastrzemski and Eddie Murray autographs. Both are signed on what looks like autograph book paper, and in both cases with a bold, blue ballpoint pen. There is a certain type of ballpoint pen–and I have no idea the science behind it–that when it’s signed on this type of paper does not feather or bleed. It just stays clean and bold. I love it. The biggest issue is normally the quality of the cut (since it was ripped or cut out of a book), imprints, or bleed from autographs from other pages in the autograph book, or in the case of the Murray autograph, people write stuff on the page. But I will get over it since the autograph is still nice. The other nice thing about autographs like this is that they normally come at a pretty good price. They are hard to search for on eBay, which helps keep down the competition.